Vega Resolver to Digital Converter Hardware

Vega was founded in 1966 as a CNC developer pioneering 5 axis machining with installations all over the world. Most of the CNC machines used resolver-based motors leading to decades of experience with resolvers, interfaces, and machine upgrades/integration. In 2003 ISS/Vega stopped producing CNC equipment and the product focus became Resolver and Inductosyn to Digital Converter Boards. There was a steep learning curve related to determining optimal performance, increased noise immunity, features, and form factors. Vega has developed many different board types over the years to meet customer needs and now produces the highest performance resolver conversion boards on the market.

Converter Interfaces for Position Feedback and Motor Commutation

Resolver to Quadrature (A-Quad-B) – Standard A-Quad-B encoder format with a Z pulse.

Resolver to Hall Effect for Motor Commutation – Simulated Hall Effect sensor status is sent to the drive for commutation. This robust implementation supports up to 10 Hall cycles per revolution. The number of Hall cycles is determined by the number of motor poles divided by the number of resolver poles.

Resolver to SSI – Synchronous Serial Interface (SSI) is a serial connection where the driver controls the rate at which data is transferred. This interface supports resolver rollover. The position data includes both the shaft position and the number of times the resolver has rolled over yielding a true absolute position of the axis. The rollover count is maintained even when power is cycled.

Resolver to Parallel – 12-bit Parallel position transfers.

Form Factors

Din Rail Mount – The 2796 board type is a generic form factor for interfacing to any drive.

Direct Plug-in for Rockwell Kinetix Drives – The 2799 and 2800 board type has a connector that plugs directly into Kinetix drives reducing cabling requirements and simplifying integration.

Additional Features

Inductosyn – Inductosyn devices are transducers that work similar to a resolver but are much more accurate and the feedback voltage is quite low. Vega also produces pre-amplifiers that work in conjunction with our converters to simplify the integration of the device.

Thermal Switch or Thermistor Support – There are separate board types to support thermal switches or thermistors.

Resolution – Vega boards support a wide range of resolutions with varying output frequencies. 8192 counts standard.

Initiate Runout – This feature enables the board to provide absolute position using quadrature signals. On power up the board waits for a signal from the drive (Initiate Runout) enabling the board to send the runout position. Quadrature signals increment to the current motor shaft position. When transmission of the runout is complete a Runout Complete signal is sent to the drive completing the process.

Power Up Position Validation – The position on power-up is compared to the last position on the previous power down. If the positions vary by a specified number of counts a signal error is sent. This feature is useful for the axis that does not have a break and there is a concern if the axis has changed position while powered down.